
What is the significance of shape of ship?
What does ship shape mean? clean, neat, and tidy organized and in good condition. See the full definition for shipshape in the English Language Lear...
How can the shape of a car reduce air resistance?
What is a shape designed to reduce air resistance? A streamlined body shape is one that is narrow at both ends, and broad in the middle. How can you r...
What is the most areodynamic shape?
What is the best shape for aerodynamics? The most aerodynamically-efficient shape for a vehicle is, in theory, a teardrop. A smooth shape minimises dr...
Why a car has oblong shape design?
Why is the shape of a car important? This is because a car with a more aerodynamic shape should go faster. The more aerodynamic the shape, the less th...
How does the shape make it go faster?
How does shape affect speed? Our objective is to see how the shape of a car can affect how fast it will go. ... This is because a car with a more aero...
Which shape is found most often within a structure?
What is the most structural shape? There are several shapes that are used when strength is important. The arc (think circle) is the strongest structur...
How would the shape of a car change the speed?
What shape makes a car go faster? The shape of the chasis is similar to an upside down airfoil. The air moving under the car moves faster than that ab...
How do you improve streamlining on a car?
What makes a car streamlined? When you think about any object moving through a fluid such as air or water, there are two things that that air has to d...
Does the shape of the vehicle have anything to do with how much drag it generates?
How does shape affect drag force? The Object Geometry has a large effect on the amount of drag generated by an object. As with lift, the drag depends ...
Why are racing cars made in as steamline shape?
Why are racing cars given a streamlined shape? A streamlined body is a form that reduces friction drag between a fluid and an item passing through it,...
What is the best shape for a car?
Why is the shape of a car important? This is because a car with a more aerodynamic shape should go faster. The more aerodynamic the shape, the less th...
Does the shape of a race car affect its speed?
How does shape affect the speed of a car? This is because a car with a more aerodynamic shape should go faster. The more aerodynamic the shape, the le...