
What happens if you get caught egging a car?
What happens if you get caught egging? Common charges related to egging are damage to property, vandalism, and nuisance. In more serious cases where i...
Is egging a car illegal?
Can you call the cops for someone egging your car? Yes - you can call the police any times you want. Is egging a car a crime? Yes - vandalism. What ha...
How long does it take for eggs to damage paint on a car?
Can eggs take off car paint? As harmless as eggs seem, they can actually wreak havoc on vehicle paint surfaces and cause long-lasting, permanent damag...
Can you lose your license for egging a vehicle?
Is egging a car illegal? Egging a car is when a person throws an egg at a vehicle. ... But many people don't know that egging is a punishable offense ...
Can a 16 year old get arrested for egging a car?
Is egging a car illegal? Egging a car is when a person throws an egg at a vehicle. ... But many people don't know that egging is a punishable offense ...